
Healthy Relationships and Boundaries

Learn how to build healthy relationships through self-compassion. This interactive workshop focuses on recognizing feelings and actions and how they impact our relationships.
This workshop empowers and helps individuals to identify their self-worth.

Healthy Relationships & Boundaries is a series of 2-hour in-person workshops that looks at building healthy relationships through self-compassion.

This interactive workshop focuses on recognizing feelings and actions and how they impact our relationships. It also helps build an understanding of a healthy relationship by identifying unhealthy or abusive behaviours. We look at building healthy and appropriate boundaries and creating a toolbox to help improve the many relationships in our lives, including partners, parents, friends and colleagues.

Please call or email to register.

Healthy relationships and boundaries workshop has opened my eyes and has taught me so much about myself and my relationships from personal to professional. I am glad to have learned healthy boundaries to implement into my life. It takes a lot of practice but so worth it, thank you!

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